The Skin Blog — skin tone
Fed up with pigmentation and uneven skin tone?
dr.NC Dermatologist’s tips to do this Summer! As summer approaches the temperature is rising, the days are getting longer, and the UV rays are more intense. The perfect fertiliser to activate and stimulate pigmentation in your skin. Pigmentation (think brown blotchy spots and dots in your skin) is one of the most complained-about signs of premature ageing. Especially in Australia thanks to our high levels of UV radiation, it’s a skin concern that affects around 80% of my patients and has inspired a number of my formulations to prevent, protect and remove this pesky problem. It is important to stop...
The Skincare Rules You Swear By In Your 20's will Determine How You Look in Your 40's!
You will never naturally look as young as you do at 25, in fact, did you know your body actually stops producing collagen once you hit 25?